Leslie Black-Plumeau

The State of Vermont’s Department of Economic, Housing and Community Development will conduct a public hearing in preparation of developing its 2012 Action Plan for the HUD Consolidated Plan for 2010-2015, to hear views about the State’s housing and community development needs, including priority non-housing community development needs and development of proposed activities, and review past performance related to its HUD Consolidated Plan.

The plan constitutes the State’s application for, and outlines priorities for use of approximately $12 million in Federal funding provided annually to the State for the Community Development Block Grants (CBDG), Home Investment Partnerships (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG). The goals of the plan are to provide decent housing, assure a suitable living environment, and expand economic opportunities for Vermont’s citizens. The current State’s Consolidated Plan is available on the Department’s website .

A Substantial Amendment to the 2011 Action Plan for the Emergency Solutions Grant for the additional $200,000 allocation will also be discussed.

At this time there will also be an informational gathering discussion to assist in the Substantial Amendment to the Consolidated Plan and development of the application to HUD for the plan and use of the $21,660,211 of CDBG Disaster Assistance funds for recovery, primarily from Tropical Storm Irene.

The date of the hearing is Monday, February 13, 2012 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. at the Pavilion Auditorium in the Pavilion Office Building located at 109 State Street; Montpelier, Vermont.

Read more in the public notice about the hearing.