Leslie Black-Plumeau

Vermont has many fair housing achievements under its belt but there is still more work to do, according to the recent statewide look at impediments to fair housing choice. The 2012 State of Vermont Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice identifies 12  public sector and 2 private sector impediments. The report suggests nearly 40 actions the State can undertake to ameliorate or remove these barriers.

Some general fair housing observations from the report:

  •  The number of non-white and Hispanic residents in Vermont is growing faster than other racial/ethnic groups 
  •  Although many areas of minority concentration are in Burlington, there are 77 such areas throughout the state
  •  Persons with disabilities, female-headed households, and minorities are more likely to have lower incomes or live in poverty
  •  Minority households are more likely to have housing problems
  •  Minimum wage worker and single wage households can’t afford the HUD fair market rent
  •  Individuals whose income comes only from SSI can’t afford a studio apartment at the HUD fair market rent
  •  Regardless of race or ethnicity, households earning the median household income can’t afford a home selling for the median price

This report as well as other Vermont housing resources  are available for easy reference in VHFA's on-line "publications" center.