Victoria Johnson

1 keyThe Vermont Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program, administered by the state Office of Economic Opportunity, provides a blend of state and federal (HUD) funding in all regions of the state for homeless shelters as well as non-profit programs engaged in work to prevent homelessness.  The purpose of the federal Emergency Solutions Grant program is to help individuals and families quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness. 

The State of Vermont, as part of its annual consolidated plan, submits an annual action plan for the Emergency Solutions Grant program describing the program standards, process for making subawards, and performance standards.  The Office of Economic Opportunity seeks consultation from community providers in determining priorities and development performance measures.  

Please take a few minutes to complete the online survey. Survey responses will be used to inform the annual action plan.

All stakeholders within both Vermont Continua of Care are encouraged to use the survey to provide input  regarding allocation of funding and performance standards.  The Vermont Office of Economic Opportunity recognizes there may be differences between state goals and local needs, and that communities meet different priorities with different resources.  It also recognizes that there are different perspectives in the approach to ending homelessness.  The Emergency Solutions Grant program occurs within the national context and state context to support work at the local level.

Read more about the 2013 ESG Program.